I'm looking
for advice and resources to help with a long term consistent cough. It feels like a mucus issue most of the time.
A version of this was asked already in another chat. I guess I'm covering my bases.
I'm late 50s. I haven't been diagnosed with COPD.
Don't smoke but did grow up with a smoker in the house. I've had chest
x-rays. Nothing to see there. I have had bronchitis 4 times since 2016.
the first 3 were due to a sleep apnea machine not getting cleaned
properly. 4th happen when I caught COVID 19. I usually need to exercise a
lot to get the mucus build up to clear. I see supplements online but
don't trust hype. Basically, my doctor hasn't seen any condition to treat
but will followup next visit. I have excess mucus that causes the cough. No Asthma. Allergy test showed allergy to dust mites and Dogwood. I'm looking for answers
online for improved lung health but like I mentioned I don't trust hype.