Hello, I'm Slovak, so I apologize for my English, google translator helped me. I am 28 years old and a month ago I was diagnosed with paramediastinal paraseptal emphysema on HRCT. I also went to a pulmonologist and she also did a spirometry fev1 100% fev1/VC 90%. Is there any hope that I will live to old age? I have a 5 year old son and fiance and 5 dogs and I was very upset when I was diagnosed with this. They also found bronchiectasis and adhesions on the pleura. I am being treated for bronchial asthma. And the doctor didn't tell me much about it. I had to find everything on google. She didn't even examine me for alpha1 antitrypsin. I had it examined at my own request and at my own expense. And currently I am waiting for the result. and then I will have alpha 1 antitrypsin genetics done. I also take inhalers, but I still have a cough and wheezing in my chest. Can I live normally without worrying that I will die in 5 years or sooner? It is true that I am a smoker. But I cut down on cigarettes. I used to smoke half a pack, now depending on the situation I light either 12 or 14 cigarettes in 24 hours, I am careful not to exceed this number. But soon I want to stop completely.