heart-rate increase causes shortness of breath

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  • 6/24/2016


Mendo Bruce
Mendo Bruce 8 years ago

Why do I become short of breath when my heart-rate increases even if said increase is not due to increased physical exertion or activity?

I exercise daily and do not think this is due to deconditioning but a hot bath, upsetting news or other sedentary situations that increase my heart-rate seem to bring on breathing difficulties even with high O2 saturation.

I am breathing slowly and exhaling completely so I don't think this is an air-trapping situation. With bathing, the breathing problems don't get bad till I get out of the bath. I noticed my heart-rate (usually 75-95) is up around 125

My FEV1 is 18% I am underweight with emphysema

heart-rate increase causes shortness of breath

Mendo Bruce
Mendo Bruce 8 years ago
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