At my current age of 27 I was recently diagnosed with COPD. The diagnosis process has taken longer than necessary because my doctor has proven to be not to o helpful in the process. After advocating for and setting up my own PFTs testing my results have come back as follows: FEV1 97%, FVC 121%, FEV1/FVC 67%, TLC 129%.
The PFT’s interpretation are hyperinflation and obstruction.
From here my PCP basically called and told me I have COPD/mild emphysema and left the conversation there.
From these PFTs result I have deduced I have Stage 1 COPD and very Mild emphysema when interpreted through the gold standard metrics.
I have not been offered by my doctor to do the genetic testing, and am assuming this will be the first thing the COPD 360 community will advise me upon.
I plan on setting up this testing when I return to the states, but currently I am overseas traveling for an extended period of time.
Personally, I am under the assumption that this is not genetically related. To start there is no history of COPD in my family. And knowing my own history of environmental exposure this diagnosis is most likely the outcome brought on by my own actions. From a young age I have had acute and chronic exposures to environmental irritants that I am sure have compounded and resulted in my current situation. Including fiberglass insulation exposure without a respirator, many cans of spray paint without a respirator, welding without a respirator, years spent in under ventilated workshops, and numerous on and off site construction exposures without adequate respiratory protections.
In the midst of all this was heavy hookah use from the ages of 15 to 18, cigarettes use from 18 to 27 at a average rate of 6 per day (I have stoped a month and a half ago since my diagnosis), and heavy pot use from 16 to 25.
I also am assuming I have sleep apnea because I have a multitude of indicators that support this assumption. I mention sleep apnea because I currently and have for months, if not years, been experiencing increasingly intense daily exhaustion. Resulting from waking up multiple times a night from lack of breathing. I currently, will find myself being exhausted even after 10 hrs plus of sleep.
I can only assume I have sleep apnea because I waiting on a sleep study. But the above indicators coupled with a host of other insights makes the assumption rational.
With all this said, I am curious about:
what is abnormal and/or common about my current situation?
What do my current number mean from both an experiential/diagnostic perspective?
What is the long term health and wellness trajectory for somebody in my positions?
Is it common to have COPD and sleep apnea? And does sleep apnea expedite the progression of COPD?
What seems to be missing within my personal assessment?
Thank you for your time for those who chose to read a portion or the full breath of this long winded surmise... puns possibly intended
I appreciate the opportunity to participate in the community