I am a 48 year old female with a 3 year old daughter. I have recently been told I have COPD by my new pulminologist. However, I tried to explain to him that I only have an asthma flare up when I get bronchitis. And that I have no cold, sinus or bronchitis symptoms right now. What I have is massive heart burn and reflux that I think is causing the very severe shortness of breath. But I dont feel he is listening to me. He has given me every breathing medication possible and doing a pulmonary function test next week. My chest xray result was fine.
In my frustration I went to see a gastro doctor who said he wont do a endoscopy until my breathing improves because the anathesiologist wont put me under sedation while my breathing is bad. However, how do I get my breathing better if it is cause by reflux and none of the medication is working? I am begging him to let me get the endoscopy asap but he wont budge.
I am taking prednisone, advair, patoprazole, montelukast and symbicort.
What do you recommend? Please help.