I have been very disappointed and disgusted that the “security” folks at SFO, Covenant Security decided to pry apart my portable nebulizer, the Pari Trek S when I checked my bag from SFO to HNL. I took photos of my ruined nebulizer that Pari said can’t be repaired and sent a claim for the $157.07 I paid for the device to Covenant Security.
I just got a reply from them dated 10/22/2019 in which they wrote “CAShas concluded that the damages or loss alleged in your claim did not arise from negligence or other intentional wrongdoing on the part of CAS. Specifically, No Negligence.”
Dismayed, I called TSA Cares, which I found online. It is the helpline for those of us with medical conditions. 1-855-787-2227, menu item 2. I told Her about my compressor that CSA dismantled and asked if there was anything that could be done. She took information, talked with others at TSA and said she’d forward this to a CSA manager or supervisor. She said she could see no reason why this device was forced open as it was. She says CSA management will reach out to me.
I’d encourage others to call TSA Cares as needed. They exist to help those of us with medical conditions be able to fly with less stress. She also said there are checks and balances and keep track of complaints and have retraining as needed.