I’m really puzzled by something and hoping for someone to please provide clarification for my confusion. I have been googling for days trying to find the answer, but I think I’m becoming more confused the more I read.
This is my question: When people on this site talk about their lung function, what number on the pulmonary function test are they referring to? I’m confused as to whether that is the FEV1, or are they talking about the FEV1/FVC ratio? Or something else entirely?
Also, it is said that a person with normal lung function loses 20 to 30 ml per year, while a person with COPD may lose lung function at a rate of 50-100 ml per year. What number on a pulmonary function test is this referring to? FEV1? I’m trying to look up my own milliliters but I’m confused which number I’m supposed to be looking at.
Thank you so much for any help!