My Father is in Stage 4 Emphysema & COPD. Diagnosed around 13-14 years ago. No one can prepare you for what this does to your loved one. In the past 2 months there have been ER trips, an ambulance trip, & hospitalizations. He is prone to blood clots in his legs, chronic back pain, & A Fib is now added to his list. Oxygen needed 24/7.
He no longer is able to sleep in his bed & has to sleep in his recliner. Uses a walker to use the restroom & go back to his chair. He refuses to go to the bathroom during the day. Hunched forward to breathe, with huffing. Hard to watch. Confusion has now been a part of every day & more so at night. He no longer can take a bath or shower. Only gets a sponge bath now.
My mom is his Caregiver & does everything for him. I worry about what this is doing to her. We want her to get respite care or possibly Hospice for Dad to give her a break. At what point do our Caregivers qualify to receive help for their loved one? Can anyone tell me what is out there? They have Medicare