23/M recently had a post about a wheezing that didn't stop. Well it turns out its not Emphysema as i previously thought, i have a 37mm lung opacity in the right upper lobe that is probably cancerous,. IDK what stage is but my neck is stiff on the right side so its probably spread to my lymph nodes already, getting a CT scan soon and biopsy too to determine what kind of and what stage i'm in, but probably stage 2-3. Well it was kinda unexpected that i will receive news like this, especially at my age, but i guess bad luck always follows me since i already had a bonecyst at 16, and now a lung tumor at 23. My mom is in complete denial about it so i don't know how will she take the CT results but probably with a breakdown. Right now, i just feel numb which i guess is quite expected when we get diagnosed with something like this. I will try to get more updates out after the results but i will probably get hospitalized. I guess cancer is pretty shitty to deal with but it can happen to anybody at any age. Right now i will just try to spend most of my time with my family and friends until i get sicker.