Hi everyone. I hope this is the right place to ask this question. I'm 47 years old, I smoked about a 1/2 pack a day for 28 years, and quit 3 years ago. About a two months I developed shortness of breath, rattles, and a productive cough. I went to the ER and had a CT pulmonary angiogram with contrast done as my D-Dimer and eosinophils were high, and the ER doctor was concerned I may have had an embolism. No embolism, but they did find pneumonia, neither the doctor nor the radiologist report noted anything else besides the pneumonia and some mild bronchial thickening. I was give a course of antibiotics, and prednisone and sent on my way. A month later I had another CT. This time on my neck for an unrelated issue. This time however the radiologist report noted "possible centrilobular and paraseptal emphysema" My questions are. Is it possible that the neck CT being only able to see a small portion of my upper lungs maybe showed a false positive finding for emphysema? Given that I had a full lung CT a month before and nothing was noted in regards to the possibility of emphysema. Also is it possible what was seen in the apex on the throat CT might be related to the pneumonia and high eosinophils I had the month prior? I know CT is not a definitive diagnosis for emphysema, and I will be scheduling a PFT with a pulmonologists soon, but in the meantime I was hoping that maybe someone else has had a similar situation or if there are medical professionals on here that would be willing to chime in with their expertise? I have gotten a few different answers from medical professionals I have spoken too. Though none of them are pulmonologists, or have a background in lung disorders. So it would be nice to hear from those more well versed in these issues. None of the medical professionals I spoke to were all that concerned to even bring up to me the possibility of emphysema was found on the neck CT. This was just something I saw on the radiologist report from the neck CT and brought up to them.