As many know I'm very newly diagnosed, around a month or so but have been battling breathing problems about 2 years. My primary never really dove into it, instead saying stuff like I'm over weight, out of shape, poor exercise tolerance, stuff like that. This year my insurance lifted the referral required and I finally saw a pulmonary doc, who did tests and finally got my diagnosis. My mom passed 3 years ago of copd and I was shocked at 47 to be diagnosed. That lead me here and researching and I found out about the possible herititary connection.
Anyhow a girl I went to school with posted a rant on Facebook about how her mom was dying from copd (she passed on Friday) and how bad cigarettes are (they are) and how if no one smoked no one would ever get this horrid condition. I private messaged her because only a few people know of my diagnosis, mainly my hubby, son and work, and told her to please check into the AAT deficiency if her or her children start having any kind of symptoms and that copd is not necessarily just a smoking disease. She messaged back that she had no clue sometime could get this and never have been a smoker and would keep me in her prayers (her husband is a pastor).
Sorry this is long but it irks me that people still think that. Just doing my part to try and educate people.