We are 5 weeks out from my dad being home after 12 weeks in hospital and rehab. And I'm seeing no signs of him being closer to being self reliant. Since home it appears he picked up something and was put back on predisone for 12 days. The nurse who comes to house twice a week did hear wheezing twice in lungs. It's obvious he is still struggling with sob and emotionally he is all over the place with anxiety and second guessing everything. From should he exercise more to is he eating enough or too much. I thought being back home would lower the anxiety and make him feel better but it hasn't. When I push him to do more things on his own he gets upset with me and says he is doing what he can and I need to stop pushing him. Hard to argue with what he can or should do or not do since I'm not in his body. But without sounding selfish, when is enough enough or how and I supposed to push him or deal with it all. There is no text book answer for this illness cause everyone is different. I'm amazed that at 17% lung function he is doing what he can do. But in same sense I have to wonder can he do more or is this all its going to be? I'm just torn because his life and mine as well is on hold. I hate to show any signs of stress in my part, but it's really hard and when he picks up in that, he gets stressed and even mad at me for it.
Guess there is really no answer for me but it helps to vent and discuss for me too since I have no one else to discuss this all with.
Thank you for all the replies to other posts!!