Hello! I’ve been diagnosed with mild copd via Spirometry. My fvc and ratio were 94 and 79 respectively but my fev was 75. I’m wondering if there could be errors on the test considering I was extremely anxious and am suffering from seasonal allergies. I was given Albuterol via nebulizer but no wait time between treatment and retest. The room was cramped and I held my own mouthpiece.
Doctor said he likely would not have suspected copd as I appear vibrant and healthy with good lung sounds and 99 pulse ox. I asked for the test because I’d have tightness in my chest. I recently started exercising again and have never felt this prior to that and have never been winded prior to three weeks ago. I also have diagnosed anxiety disorder that is crippling at the moment with quarantine and now this worry.
should I get a second opinion? Could the test have been wrong?
Thanks in advance