Hi ya'll. Been a while since I've been here. I'm back to work, and doing fairly well (for the time being). The humidity seems to be a problem, along with some of the fumes from diesel engines I run into now and then. I've also noticed that doing anything bent over is almost out of the question.
This brings me to my first question. I know I need to do breathing exercises to help my lung stretch out. I'm starting Pursed Lip Breathing and Diaphragmatic Breathing exercises. I also dug around in the closet and found the Incentive Spirometer they gave me in the hospital. (Yeah, I haven't been using it up until now) Are there any other suggestions for more breathing exercises I can do?
The next part is about SSDI. I know that COPD is a progressive thing and its not going to get any better. My Pulmonary Dr says my lungs are 150 years old, and my numbers are low enough that I could pull full disability. I'm not mentally sure I want to throw in the towel and file yet. I feel that I am still somewhat useful at what I do (or people would quit pestering my on the phone all the time) and there are a few things I would like to do financially before I give in and quit working. I sure would like to hear from someone that has been where I am, and past it. At what point is enough enough, and am I doing any further damage by not retiring?
Thanks for any input on either subject.