I don't know about you but I am so excited that the weather is warming up. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the walkers around my neighborhood are getting out their comfy shoes. Even my dog is starting to look at me as if to say " come on mom, let's get moving"!
Personally, I have become a little more (ok, a lot more) sedentary over the winter and may have even put on a few pounds (ugh). It is that time again, time to get up and move!
As I was thinking about movement I was reminded that we just celebrated Pulmonary Rehab week and Kristen shared some wonderful resources from the Foundation. That got me looking around, and sure enough, we have a ton of great resources on exercise and movement. I thought I would share a few with you, my 360social family.
Let's chat. What are some of your favorite ways to stay active?