I've recently been diagnosed with COPD, I'm 53yrs old, stopped smoking 12 years ago. I had a crackle in my lung and got a CT scan which showed mild COPD. I then got a spirometry test which the nurse told me, on it's own it would have been "pre" or "at risk" of COPD but along with the CT it was diagnosed as mild COPD. I've been put on a once a day Onoro inhaler which has helped with the crackling in my lung. My problem is the mental side of this diagnosis, I can't think of anything else, I can't sleep, even tho all I want to do is sleep, I'm really getting down about this, mainly due to reading Dr Google non stop. I run x3 times per week, a 12 mile run every Sat morning and I have myself dead or on oxygen in 5 years!!! My question is, can I keep this disease mild with no major breathing problems for another 10/20 years if I keep exercising and maintain a healthy diet. My doctor and respiratory nurse have told me that once I stopped smoking, the damage stopped and not to worry, the problem is that I am a worrier, hoping that someone on here can ease my mind for a while.