I was told that I have COPD back in August. Dr put me on Spiriva, told to start Rehab. I was already put on albuterol a couple of years earlier. He also told me that I should think about quitting smoking. He didn't make it seem like it was really serious. He prescribed Chantix, which I've been taking. But I didn't completely quit. I thought I could smoke a little and it would be ok.
Then in February I ended up in the hospital with an exacerbation. I guess I was pretty sick. They added Advair to my prescriptions. I also was on a steroid and antibiotic, but I'm off them now. I couldn't smoke, so I decided to take advantage of the fact to quit completely. It's been 38 days since my last cigarette.
I had follow up appointments with my doctor and my new pulmonologist. This is when I learned that I am Stage 3 with only 35% lung function. This was the numbers before my hospital stay. The pulmonologist told me not to worry about the numbers, but I can't get it out of my mind. I feel ok for the most part, but I get very winded when do physical things. I purchased an oximeter, so I know how low my numbers go when I exert myself. It goes down into the low 70s a lot.
I had to start over in rehab after the hospital stay. I can't walk very far without gasping for air. Even with oxygen, I have to rest a lot when I'm doing housework. I felt better when I left the hospital than I do now.
I have no clue what to expect, or when to see a doctor or when I should go right to the hospital again. I'm scared and anxious a lot. I keep all this bottled up inside because I don't want to worry my husband or sons. Maybe I'm over reacting. Should I really ignore the numbers? I'm trying to learn as much as I can, but it makes me so depressed and anxious.
Please help me figure out what I need to be doing. Point me in the right direction. Am I over reacting?