I use a jet nebulizer, globe drug chamber (it screws together) and face mask for my Perforomist and budesonide.
Perforomist instructions say breathe normally until no more mist, and do it for about 9 min. I keep my Oximyzer in place and need PLB a lot and am concerned that I am losing a lot of the drug during the exhalation phase. Mist is gone in 2-3 minutes then chamber has a lot of clear droplets. I disconnect, rotate chamber to gather all the droplets and continue nebulizing, but still there are droplets after 10 minutes. How do I correct this?
The budesonide is done in 6-7 minutes and chamber is bone dry. Why the difference?
I know these are maintenance drugs but I really need the Perforomist first thing in the morning as it does start to work in about 11-12 minutes.