Hi COPD community
I was diagnosed with COPD about 10 years ago and 19 days ago I had my second exacerbation in 17 months.
Thanks to the advice I received from you wonderful people during my first visit to this platform, I went to my doctor and asked for a rescue inhaler and steroid tablets (in addition to my regular inhaler).
The resque inhaler doesn't do much, but the steroid tablets seem to relieve some of the discomfort. Although I am still short of breath.
I have already read various information about exercabation, but I still have questions.
Maybe you can help me with your experience.
I read that an exercabation can last from two days to two weeks. Mine has now lasted 19 days. What are your experiences with the duration of an exercabation?
How long can an exercabation last?
Do these exercabations work towards a moment in time when they no longer disappear and an exercabation is constantly present?
Are the time intervals between these exercabations getting shorter?
What do you use as a remedy for an exercabation?
Furthermore, all advice that helps me to struggle through this exercabation is welcome.