Purchasing POC Supplier?

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  • 3/16/2016


di545 8 years ago

After much consideration i am going to purchase a Inogen G3. My question is whether i should buy direct from Inogen or through a 02 supplier. Which one would have best service in case something goes wrong. Would appreciate anyone's experience in buying POC.

Thank you, diane


DonnaA (SSP)
DonnaA (SSP) 8 years ago

I have been with inogen for 6 years and really like it. I would buy it from them They are who you must contact if you need service. Although you can but it from someone else, just don't think you can have it serviced by them. Let me know How the G3 is. I have had the G2 all along and it is working great. It's a good machine. I do see the 3 is even smaller and easier.

HIcopd - Hawaii State Captain
HIcopd - Hawaii State Captain 8 years ago

I'd call both Inogen and whatever other company you are condidering purchasing from. There are a few companies who ARE authorized to service Inogen and other machines, such as OxiMedical. I'd compare the offers from each, including duration. Of warranty, whether the warranty is transfererable, whether you would get credit toward a different type of machine if you find the Inogen can't meet your needs, how soon you will get a machine when yours needs servicing, costs for a loaner while you are having servicing, etc. what is the policy and restocking fee of the org, if you decide it isn't the right device for you?

Have you used the Inogen to be sure it will meet your needs? What do/will you use for sleep? Most of us are advised to have continuous flow for sleep and Inogen only provides pulse. I bought a Respironics SimplyGo, so I would have a device that provides continuous for sleep, tho at 10 pounds, it is twice the size and weight of the Inogen.

Good luck

HIcopd - Hawaii State Captain
HIcopd - Hawaii State Captain 8 years ago

Oh yes, get all quotes in writing, especially all terms sbout returns and warranties. Be sure to get as many batteries as you need for mobility. I have 5 and appreciate the added flexibility they give me for being out and about. You can often get the best desk as a package when you purchase.

HIcopd - Hawaii State Captain
HIcopd - Hawaii State Captain 8 years ago

The company I purchased from, OxiMedical, is authorized to repair and service most brands of machines, provides free loaners, has branches in several states, and offered me a package deal with my batteries and transfererable 5 year warranty that no one would match I have been very pleased with their service and responsiveness

I like having 5 batteries as I do fly HI to East Coast as well as want enough batteries to go 24/7 if there is no outlet. I also have an external charger, cart, and car charger.

Inogenonefannypack 8 years ago

I have Inogen as my supplier and don't have any complaints. Just call them and they will replace whatever you need. I just had the columns go out and they just sent them with instructions as to how to replace them. They also supply my large machine so it is a one size fits all thing.

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