Hi all,
I am 42 yo male. I had an asthma exacerbation 18 months ago and ended up in hospital for 10 days on oxygen, coughing up a lot of almost solid mucus. I have slowly improved since then, aided by lots of exercise and running. I've got my 5k below 27 minutes. Not needed antibiotics or steroids for a year now. And generally feeling ok. And never need blue inhaler.
However, I've just done a lunch function test and my stats (to me) suggest asthma/copd crossover.
FEV1: 83%
FVC: 110%
fev1/fvc: 0.61
DLCO: 123% predicted
these are post bronchodilator, which didn't make any difference (no reversibility), but then again I'm on a LABA/steroid inhaler anyway, and was only off it for 12 hours before the test so I imagine that was playing a role in inflating the pre figures.
My CT scan showed no emphysema.
I've never smoked (or just a few at parties in my teens).
I'm now worrying that in twenty years, I will be moderate/severe COPD and have little to look forward to.
Obviously everyone is different but I'm interested in what the future may hold.