I took a PFT test recently, and my post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC was 0.863. I did have a pre-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC of 0.354; I think I was taking the test wrong, and my test results say “no interpretation, not enough acceptable maneuvers” for the “Pre” section. In fairness, I had a difficult time understanding the technician’s directions. Eventually I think I got it, but it was after taking the bronchodilator.
Either way, my test results say “emphysema” at the bottom, and I am confused.
I had some shortness of breath earlier last month, it lasted for a few days but then went away. It also started while I was outside during a heat wave (although continued for a few days). I have not felt any shortness of breath since.
Also, I feel generally healthy: low blood pressure, no issues exercising/walking/etc, blood oxygen level usually 98%-99%,
I have not met my pulmonologist yet to talk through the results. Also, the pulmonologist did not leave any notes with the results saying this was urgent.
I’m just scared/confused, and I was hoping I could get some clarity here. Have any of you seen this kind of result/situation?