I've had asthma my entire life but it was only a real problem a few years ago. I heard uncontrolled asthma can cause complications but nobody really stressed the importance of taking my preventive meds. The inhalers worked so great so i just stuck with them.
Anyways a few months ago I got a really bad cold that triggerred my asthma. Since I recovered after a hospital stay my breathing hasnt been the same. I constantly feel tight and have a lot of mucus in the back of my throat. Im not coughing or wheezing though. Its been going on non stop for a few months so I got some new spirometry testing. My baseline lung function was only 71% but post broncho is got to 80%. I know the technical criteria is < 70% post but I cant help but feel my numbers are really low for my age. My tlc was 130% which according to Google means my lungs are hyperinflated. My pulmonologist never bothered to call me to talk about my results but he noted "possible asthma or chronic bronchitis". I think I'm a very strange case because even though my baseline function was 71% my fev1 was 120% and 145% post. Its just that my fvc was really high. Im so scared for my future and honestly depressed. If i was like 50 I could accept this but im only 21 and feel discomfort when breathing even at rest. Im wondering what my quality of life will be like when im 30 or 40 and if I'll even live that long or if i'll want to. I've never smoked before. I dont know if I want to finish college or not. I scheduled another pulmo appointment with a new doc but I cant see him for a few weeks still. I had an Alpha 1 test at my hospital but they never called me back so idk if thats good news or not. Its just not fair. Im not ready for this yet. If I have copd idk what I'll do. I know this is supposed to be a positive environment but i just have to vent because i feel like im living a nightmare. Any advice or insight would be appreciated.