Please share some of your strategies for coping with the stigma of COPD.

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  • 7/2/2015
  • 8 Answers
  • Last Activity: 9 years ago, Gloria


Ruth Blanka
Ruth Blanka 9 years ago

I have a couple of other diagnoses which tend to cause stigma, including the need for narcotic pain medications for back pain.  The COPD with it's very visible O2 has added a new joy.  It's taking more courage than I have some days just to get out of my apartment even when I feel physically able.  Any ideas of how to face this?

Gloria 9 years ago
Ruth I have back pain and have to take pain meds too. So take them and at least move without pain. We have to do what we gotta do. Oh also on the showering, I found a medical seat for the shower which I use
all the time, sit on it and take your shower it helps so much, you do not get tired and you can enjoy the shower so much, when you feel like taking one. Best breathing Gloria

Medical Advice

It is not our intention to serve as a substitute for medical advice and any content posted should not be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. We make every effort to support our members, our medical professionals cannot and will not provide a diagnosis or suggest a specific medication; those decisions should be left to your personal medical team. While we encourage individuals to share their personal experiences with COPD, please consult a physician before making changes to your own COPD management plan.