Hi Hack, Since we have the same O2 company I am curious about how you got an Inogen POC. Preferred notified me that my insurance had approved a POC for air travel so I went over to get a demo. They had a Philips Respironics model on a cart which was very heavy. It was around 14 pounds with a shoulder strap. I wouldn't be able to get very far with that. I was hoping for something smaller. They told me they did not have any "minis" but were hoping to get them.
My question is, did you privately purchase the Inogen? And if you need to have it serviced where can that be done? Preferred told me they would not service anything except their own equipment.
They also said that to travel by air to the East coast I would need multiple batteries for the Respironics, adding even more weight. This is discouraging! My family is on the East coast. And I did not even broach the possibility of travel to Europe.