Folks are very confused about what they are entitled to if they need O2 24/7. Many feel they are just entitled to tanks and a heavy concentrator for home use. Others I have read have been able to get a portable oxygen concentrator (POC) + a stationary concetrator for home use. Do you also have back up large tank or what are you given in case of a power outtage? Where does liquid oxygen fit--who can get it and how?
Some folks who need this information are covered only under private insurance, some are covered only by Medicare, and some are covered a bit by both.Help in clarifying this and where to complain to get what folks are entitled to is greatly appreciated. This a a frequently recurring issue and the answers seem to be changing over time.
It is helpful if folks can post how they were able to get their O2 needs met by their O2 supplier.
I don't have much experience in getting O2 from Durable Medical Equipment (DME) companies--I got some liquid oxygen in three separate visits to Denver via Lincare. I also was able to get a small POC loaned by OxiMedical in my last visit to Denver in May 2015, and purchased a POC for my travel needs, since I don't need any O2 at sea level, where I live.