I Really need your help.
I have severe emphysema, which I manage with a gruelling schedule of daily exercise; and controlled breathing techniques. The exercise particularly is absolutely critical to the quality of my life and my ability function. Every day, irrespective of weather or personal life, I drive myself as hard as I am able to, to complete this programme.
However, In the last 6 months I have fallen foul of an appalling case of rhinitis, which has resisted all attempts to remove or even ameliorate it. It has now all but destroyed my ability to control my breathing and forced me to breath only through my mouth, causing my lungs to trap even more CO2.
Last week and despite two vaccinations, I acquired a serious case of Covid which has so weakened me that I am barely able to move now.
The coagulation of all three of these factors into a single dreadful storm has threatened and devastated my life and for the first time since my original diagnosis five years ago, I have lost hope.
Please could someone tell me what I need to do, because I have nothing left to fight with. ,