My mum made me a surprise appointment for the doc because of my cough. I got a 26 on the spirometry test. i search the net it says its a stage 4 very severe. I got my chest xray today but I didnt see it. I wont until my next docs appointment in 3 weeks. I help care for my elderly mum and a full time carer for my sister. they really rely on me and we are all scared about this. Im already being treated for bad OCD and anxiety for years and now this come along.
They didnt tell me anything really. am I going to get really sick, could i die from this any time soon. I am very busy with my time and have put up with this for years but the breathlessness got to much before i told any one.
How serious is this? am I going to get really sick or could I die anytime soon from this COPD.
sorry if this post is a mess but we are all crapping ourselves here about this.
Im glad i found your website because I need all the info I can get and will read as much as i can but I have not been told anything so far by the docs..
cheers guys