I have had enphysema for decades without any associated problems. have been using a Wixela inhaler which was working well for me. However, I suffered an exasberation after a knee replacement surgery which put me in the hospital for 5 days. I assume the anesthesia had something to do with that. So, decided to get myself a pulmonologist who promptly took me off Wixela and gave me Breztri. Almost immediately after starting Breztri, I became extremely short of breath, and couldn't take 5 steps without gasping for air. Oxygen levels were fine in spite of this. I added my nebulizer to my routine which helped me somewhat until I could see my pulmonologist again. She gave me a breathing test which showed mild to moderate enphysema, and gave me a Wixela sample and a prescription for Trelegy. She also ordered oxygen equipment for me. Now, I find myself tied to the oxygen, as I cannot maintain acceptable levels on my own. Also when I get off the oxygen, as the level starts dropping, so does my heartrate, which is opposite of what the heart is supposed to do in that situation. My heartrate hasl been down in the 30s at least three times and I'm scared to death. Any ideas as to what is going on with me?