Hello everyone,
I am new to this place here but I have already read a lot.
my mom had a CT scan done and they found moderate emphysemous changes.
she does not have symptoms and has FEV of 93%. The doctor said her lung function is very good for her age (66), probably from all the sport she has been doing her life.
she did however smoke for many years, that’s why she did the CT to see what her lungs are looking like.
so from her lung function I understand she is doing very good for her age. But if I google Emphysema it gives me anxiety. So many negative predictions.
so my question is really, is this something that could affect her in the near future? Is the prognosis really that bad? Are people here, who maybe have the moderate emphysema changes and maybe have it for quite a while and are doing good?
sorry for having so many questions. I am just very overwhelmed right now and should not have asked Dr. Google.
Thanks in advance. :)