I'm new to the forum and just had a question about my mothers lung function test. I am aware she either has "severe" COPD or "very severe" but i can't tell which one by her test results. I am having a hard time understanding what these numbers mean so i thought maybe someone here could help me ? I don't need a complete break down i would just like to have a general idea where she stands. Thank you.
Ref Pre %Ref Post %Ref %Chg
FVC Liters
3.04 2.34 77 2.68 88 14
FEV1 Liters
2.42 0.79 32 0.94 39 20
79 34 42 35 45 5
FEF25-75% (L/Sec)
2.45 0.21 8 0.24 10 18
FEF50% (L/Sec)
3.31 0.27 8 0.30 9 12
FEF75% (L/Sec)
1.12 0.11 10 0.10 9 -7
PEF (L/Sec)
5.68 3.42 60 3.77 66 10
PIF (L/Sec)
2.66 4.65 75
__________LUNG VOLUMES _________
Ref Pre %Ref
VC (Liters) 3.04 2.41 79
TLC (Liters) 4.78 6.97 146
RV (Liters) 1.79 4.56 256
RV/TLC 37 65 175
FRC PL (Liters) 2.80 5.24 187
ERV (Liters) 1.00 0.68 68
IC (Liters) 2.01 1.73 86
Ref Pre %Ref
DLCO (ml/mmHg/min)
21.5 11.5 53
VA ( liters)
4.78 3.12 65
DLCO adj for VA
21.5 13.5 63
IVC (liters )