This is not a question but sad news for this community. With the permission of his family and with a very heavy heart I am writing about the very sudden passing of someone many of us came to know on this web site. On February 3, 2018 Hack turned in his concentrator and all the tubing and left for a place where he no longer had to deal with it. I first met him here when I was diagnosed with COPD and I found this site and asked how could I live in the big city of Las Vegas, NV and never ever see anyone out and about toting oxygen equipment and wearing a cannula. Hack answered my plea. We joined a Better Breathers support group. He answered lots of questions and he entertained all of us on this web site with his tales of what he managed to accomplish in spite of oxygen 24/7. I thought there must be some members of this community who wonder why he hasn't been present lately. All of us who knew him are missing him and I thought that many of you might be missing him as well.