First - as I key this in I am in the middle of an exacerbation (never used that word, always call them flare ups). I just had almost 8-9 months of really great life with COPD. My pulmonary doc experimented with long term low dose antibiotic because my flare ups were fairly frequent (Azithromycin 250mg three times a week, M-W-F). It seemed to be the magic bullet for me. I felt invinciable, Since I knew a flair up was coming I saw the pulmonary doc yesterday afternoon. I had no fever while at the office but did leave with prescripts for steroids (3 days each at 40, 30, 20, 10, and final of .5) Levaquin (750mg for seven days, and an Advair 500/50 (I've been long term on the 250/50) By the time I got home last night I was running a 102 fever...took a Levaquin the new Advair, and saved the steroids for breakfast this morning (that's probably the reason I'm awake now). Today I have no fever but the breathing is tight.
Long term antibiotic was working for me. Anyone else doing this? Any long term implications?
If it was working so well, why the flair up? Pure STUPIDITY! Feeling good is a great danger with copd (never capitalize). It's a defeated feeling walking past yard work and lots of other chores around the house that you have to avoid. Oh.......the stupidity. We had kitchen cabinets refinished.....sanded, painted with primer and then oil-based paint. The kitchen was sealed off but........what a recipe for disaster. I should have stayed at my son's house during this project. So here I sit at midnight, breathing shallow, and asking about long term antibiotic use.
67 YO, FEV1 of 55% for last 6-8 years