Hi all
I'm 48, live in Uk.
I have mild emphesema and mild Bronchieastatis along with alpha 1.
The route to me having a CT scan was at least three years of heavy chest , not so much sob (unl we exertion) but this heavy feeling/light burning
Initially I was evaluated by cardiology until last year my GP referred me to a respiratory doc who ordered the CT scan which revealed the lung issues and was then tested for alpha.
The thing is....I don't know what is normal. Is this heavy chest feeling/ light burning feeling, "normal" for this conditions? The respiratory doc has me scheduled in for six monthly reviews and I've got two inhalers
She wouldn't perform Spiro tests as I'd had that done two years before so for completeness I paid to that done privately and there's no obstruction they say.
I guess what I'm asking is, is the heavy chest and burning feeling normal when having the above conditions....I don't want to keep pestering the docs to *do* something about a symptom that pretty much needs to be lived with and maybe I need to just learn to live with certain symptoms
What is *normal*?