Hello all, this is my first message on here. My name is Steve and I am a British guy living in France for last 10 years. Age 55. Never smoked. In the next couple of weeks I’m fairly sure that I will be diagnosed with some form of COPD. My FEV1/FVC is around 50% suggesting COPD as my pulmo said last week. Thing is I can still swim 1000 metres and jog gently for 5 kilometres- sure out of breath by not gasping for air. I also have a wheeze and constant cough and throat clearing. Am currently on 3 week course of prednisone 30mg to see what happens but nothing yet. Also take Symbicort 400/12 twice a day. My peak flow is around 350 to 400 on a good day and been like that for 2 years after I went to docs complaining of out of breath on digging garden! X ray clear one year ago. Full CT scan next week.
Does the above ring any bells for anyone. I’m so scared.
This group is amazing having spent 2 weeks reading nearly all the messages and very kind and helpful responses.
best wishes to you all,