The COPD Foundation is partnering with Columbia University to host a series of focus groups by phone about new methods for conducting research. There will be 4-10 people on each call. You will be asked to discuss opinions and ideas about your important health concerns, preferred treatments for these important health concerns, potential barriers to participation in such treatments, what different types of treatment you think would be helpful and what types of communication (online, telephone, etc.) you prefer.
We will then describe the research method we are interested in trying, and see if you think this would be helpful to you in dealing with your symptoms and treatments. Each call will last approximately one hour and participants will receive $25 as a thank you for your time.
Your participation in important activities like these calls helps to ensure new research is responsive to the needs of patients and to make research more effective in the future.
If you or a family member or friend are living with multiple chronic conditions please call the COPD Information Line at 866-316-2673 or email at to learn more and sign up for one of the calls that will take place next week