I was at the dog park the other day when this younger gentleman approached me and said I bet you have COPD. Yep, sure do, why do you ask? Because my mother has COPD and is on oxygen too. She says there is about 25 million people with COPD but probably only one million of them are on oxygen. They are the ones that have all the issues of a disease, disability, problems with tubing, going out with O2, sleeping, showering, getting letters for airlines, etc. The ones with COPD but not on oxygen are pretty much as normal people are. They don't have the above problems. Maybe a little SOB but it can't be that bad if not prescribed oxygen. This is why COPD is ranked low in awareness, just not enough of them that are really considered bad. The ones that are close to normal can quit smoking and never may have to be put on oxygen. To tell you the truth I didn't know how to answer him. I said yes being on O2 makes it worse but just because one is not on O2 doesn't make him normal. They still suffer, then he cut me off and said: I don't want to hear that crap...bottom line, if you aren't on oxygen then no one even knows therefore you only have one million people to make a showing not 24 or 25 million. People not on oxygen don't have to go through anything like my mom does. I'm sorry but that's the way I see it and probably the other 300 million Americans as well. I was speechless, just said ok bro, you know everything. What would any of you guys said? Is his mother right? Is he a real 13? Should I have not posted this? Please give me some input. Thanks.