I visited my pul doc in April and he advised that I should use my O2 for at least 15 hours a day as studies show that to be the magic number to prevent heart damage. Whereas I used to take it off in the am and go without unless exercising or housework, after following his orders for a couple of months, I now feel like I NEED it constantly. And I seem to feel sob more easily than when I wasn't using it. I have had no flare-ups, colds, or any other adverse situations that would affect my condition. Have I become an O2 junkie? I am a 27%er so a stage 4 but until recently I thought I was doing pretty good. I'm thinking about getting my pcp to prescribe pul rehab for me. I been through it several times but I don't know if that's my issue. Shall I just accept the fact that I've got an O2 tank on my back and admit I'm a junkie?