I am pending a Catscan this week and so far been diagnosed stage 2 Copd after a recent pft. My feno was fine, X-ray normal and this is no longer just asthma. I’m 58, 123 pounds, exercise regularly and never smoked but was exposed to second hand smoke as a child in a setting in the Middle East. I did have an intense exposure to a pesticide. I was diagnosed with asthma in my 40s but actually an unearthed previous pft from 8 years ago showed mild obstruction and it looks like my doctor back then missed the boat. I do not have a cough, but I do have shortness of breath upon major exertion and have been healthy with hospitalizations only for a few kidney stones. I am so very anxious. I don’t understand why they can’t just do a high resolution Catscan but insurance won’t do that unless I have a regular Catscan . I thought I would share my pft and hope someone could shed some light on these awful numbers