If Not Emphysema Then What Is It?

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  • 2/1/2024
  • 3 Answers
  • Last Activity: 11 months ago, Murg61


Murg61 11 months ago

On 1/19, I had a CT scan at my request to check for lung cancer. It came back no cancer, no nodules, moderate emphysema. I've been somewhat frantic and am so grateful for this group because it's the only place I've found some peace. I pushed my GP for a referral to a pulmonologist for a PFT at the suggestion of the good people who replied to me last week and my appointment is 3/20. In all of my reading one ray of hope has been the many comments on this site that a CT scan alone cannot diagnose emphysema. I've even seen it written in all caps! 😊

My question is, if it's not emphysema, then what could it be? Could the radiologist misdiagnose the scan and it is actually something else? Has this happened to anyone? It seems that some folks here share their diagnosis experience, but don't come back to report PFT findings or how they are doing now. Thank you to those who continue to support with your experiences and encouragement

If Not Emphysema Then What Is It?

Murg61 11 months ago
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