I’m 38M with acid reflux, and had been vaping dried cannabis for about 4-5 years. Quit about 7 months ago because I felt restricted in my breathing. About a month into my quit I started producing clear sticky phlegm, and then some thicker greyish or pale yellowish gunk. 2 months after quitting I could breathe fine again, but still had maybe a little excess phlegm. I attributed that to the effects of quitting, similar to what I understand smokers go through. I thought I was in the clear.
Fast forward to about a month ago, and I felt my breathing slowly becoming more restricted. A spirometry showed I had “mild obstruction”. I still thought I was mostly in the clear.
Starting about a week ago I developed a cough, mostly in the morning, bringing up thick yellow gunk (sometimes with a little blood). Also short of breath, chest tightness, back pain, wheezy, chills (no fever), feeling very cold, and very tired. Now I’m terrified (but am quite certain) I have chronic bronchitis with an obstruction. Or is it possible I stop getting bronchitis now that I quit vaping
I have 2 little girls...what is my life going to be like? What is my prognosis likely to be? How will I be able to keep up with them and be a good dad when all I feel is rage, and all I want to do is sleep? Will I be on oxygen in 5 years? In a hospital very few months? Will I ever see grandkids?