Hi everyone,
I'm wondering from your experiences what are the symptoms of early COPD like?
I'm 28M and have been dealing with some non-reversible obstruction for about 10 months now. My FEV1/FVC is at 70% without reversibility - most recent spirometry result is attached for reference.
I have seen 3 pulmonologists now, but they have all taken a 'wait and see' approach. I'm really constantly suffering with these symptoms.
Every waking minute of every day I am struggling to breathe, sometimes there are short times when I get distracted but it is constant discomfort otherwise.
For reference I'm now on Trimbow LABA/LAMA/ICS 2x daily, but the symptoms are still pretty awful. I have a clear CT scan, so if it is COPD (still not officially diagnosed) then it is pure chronic bronchitis type.
It feels like I'm breathing through a straw, and there's nothing I can do to help it.
Is this typical for COPD, and is this what I should expect my life to be like now?
Thank you!