Looking for home remedies to manage symptoms, provide relief for my Chronic Bronchitis, Reactive Airway Disease, and Asthma.
I am a USAF Veteran--in 1990 I had a bad upper respiratory infection turn into bronchitis then pneumonia. I was told one of my lungs got scarred. Over the eyars, my breathing has worsened and I've had pneumonia multiple times, as well as acute and chronic bouts of bronchitis. CTs show calcifications in both lungs. These days I regularly have coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing on exertion. I've also developed asthma and Reactive Airway disease.
The VA has been fighting me on this for years and waiting for an appeal. I can't get them to give me oxygen, because my O2 isn't low enough (I typically run around 97%, but during flare ups, like now, I average 92).
I'm really tired of coughing fits that hurt my sides, give me headaches, and interrupt my sleep, as well as the 5-6 instances of sinusitis I develop every year. Looking for foods, potions, home remedies to alleviate my symptoms as I'm still several years away from retirement and am already on allergy medicines. Inhalers just bring on way more coughing.
Not a smoker, never smoked. After my run in with pneumonia in-service, I went on to a duty station with exposure to a lot of toxic chemicals, so I'm guessing my lungs are worse off than I feel.