Okay I thought it might be easier to just post my history. About 3 years ago I got a terrible headache. I mean excruciating and after that I was dizzy and disoriented and had a very rapid heart rate. I have all kinds of problems with my legs and feet and if I leave them on the floor long enough they turn purple. It lasted for several months almost a year and then I had neck surgery because they thought maybe I had a problem in there. To make a long story short whatever it is comes and goes. A couple weeks ago I stood up to go into the kitchen and my head started spinning so I thought well let me check my heartbeat, My heart rate was fine but I noticed that my 02 was going low. I've noticed for a couple years whenever I kick back to watch TV at night or get ready to go to sleep it goes down to 87/89,. I take it off my finger at that point because I get scared to see where it really would go and where does it go when I'm asleep? so they said I needed a CPAP machine. I started that and thought it took care of everything but when I got dizzy I was checking it and sure enough it's still low. I just seen my pulmonologist a week ago and he just checked the CPAP and said everything was fine when I mentioned something about my oxygen going too low he kind of blew it off like it was no big deal. It's almost like he refuses to give me a breathing test. He just says it's fine because it shows up fine on the thing after they have you put it on your finger for a couple seconds. I remember asking him about this a year ago and he did the same thing. I was in the emergency room last Saturday because it was going low and I was scared. they got me up and walked me around and my 02 did go down sometimes to 87 but then they stopped and walked and took me back to my room they didn't give it a chance to go any lower. They sent me home anyway with no oxygen or nothing ordered. Told me to follow up with my pulmonologist. (I do have my sister's oxygen concentrator and have been using it at one and a half liters because I'm afraid not to). I'm seeing a new pulmonologist on the 14th but I'm wondering why no one is taking it serious when my oxygen drops below 90? I use the pulse oximeters that I have here a lot and if I sit still and don't do conscious breathing without the oxygen it always eventually goes into the 80s. Is that normal for when you're resting or falling asleep or shouldn't you be able to keep it up without consciously keeping it up during the day just setting? The new pulmonologist said the first thing they'll do when I get there on the 14th is a breathing function test. I guess my question is am I safe until then? Sorry for such a long post just really worried. Thank you