I’m a 38 year old female 167cm tall and weigh 56 kilos,that went to the drs with breathlessness and shortness of breath while just pottering around and nothing else.
Went for a spirometer and never done the inhaler asthma test but straight to the breath test.
I have no cough, no congestion, no mucus upbringing.
And got given bevespi straight away and told to take it twice a day morning and night and to stop smoking and that is it. But I find the inhaler is making my chest tighter and burning sensation, plus horrible headaches and constant dizziness
I’ll attach a picture of my readings but I’m sat here petrified that I’m going to pass young and that my anxiety is at a all time high with everything which is just making my breathing worse.
what do they say?
And thanks to all that answers
kind regards Laura c