Hello. Attached are my spirometry numbers. I can inhale a decent volume of air, but I have a fair amount of trouble getting it out.
I work in the admin building at a waste treatment plant that is surrounded by a cardboard recycling plant. Both produce hydrogen sulfide gas. Real time monitors around my building show 14 day averages of hydrogen sulfide gas consistently between 2-3.5 ppb (0.002-0.0035 ppm). OSHA's eight-hour permissible exposure limit-time weighted average is 10,000 ppb although the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists puts it at 1,000 ppb and they care more about people. EPA estimates levels safe for a lifetime exposure at 0.7 ppb. Although for sensitive groups the lifetime average max is 0.14 ppb.
The air here stinks on a regular basis, and is worse or better depending on the wind direction. I worked here for 12 years without noticing a problem, but in March, I accidentally exposed myself to brush burn smoke and heat and I lost 10% of my FEV1/FVC. Now, my symptoms are much worse and I'm scared and fearful of going to work every day.
I can't make sense of whether I'm in danger or not working here. Sometimes, the wind blows everything directly into our HVAC and the whole building stinks. I've been authorized to go home on comp time anytime I want which is good. But I really want to stick out my final four years here for the pension and my salary which is going to be worth having. However, I don't want to lose anymore lung function from anything other than ageing if I can help it. Does anyone have insight? Thanks