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The COPD PPRN will be the largest research registry of its kind.
By joining the registry you will share your health record information with researchers. There is a lot of research right now about COPD phenotypes. This means that there are many types of COPD, and your type of COPD is very different from the next person.
In order to find the future cures for COPD, we must first understand all the types of COPD that exists.
Researcher are very interested in learning more about patients exposures and childhood risks/illnesses. We call this PRE-COPD. The events that happened in the first 25 years of your life may have increased your risk for developing COPD.
Were you a premie? Did you start smoking at an early age, did you have heart or chest surgery, did you have childhood illnesses like asthma, RSV, or pneuomnia?
Doctors want to know this information and your health records may show them clues and tests during the PRE-COPD time frame that will help shape the understanding of COPD development and phenotyping.
"You might have lost your breath, but you haven’t lost your voice!"
Express it today by joining the COPD PPRN