I. Have. Chronic. COPD As Well As CONJESTIVE HEART FAILURE and. Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension and am currently on Disability .. I Am. Provided. A Home Concentrater And other. Large Portable Cylinders From a Home Care Service . I was. Addressed By My. Cardiologist In Order for My Health To Improve and For. Me. To. Even. Remotely. Obtain. A. Livable Quality Of Life. Was. To. Get Out and Build up a. Daily. Walk & Exercise of Sometype That Will Build. Up. My. Overall Body Condition , Because As A Result. Of A. Daily 24/7. Of. Staying in One. Proximity , I Will Continue To Decline. On A Downhill. Level . Yet I. Am Having A Hard Time. Find A. Provider That Will Assist Me. With. A.Portable Oxygen. Concentrater. I Have. The Full Support Of My. PULMONOLOGIST and CARDIOLOGIST. . IF. ANYONE KNOWS OF ANY ASSISTANCE THAT I. CAN GET HELP FROM PLEASE LET US KNOW .. THANK YOU VERY MUCH . FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME FOR ANY AND ALL INFORMATION YOU MAY NEED FRO ME OE MY. DOCTORS..