Don't really know how to say this but here goes. My Pulmonologist is through a lung center and now they are in with these comprehensive cancer centers. My Pulmo said they are doing a study for severe COPD patients and I can get a CT scan and all the X-rays done at no cost to me. Must have smoked as much as I did in the past but no longer smoke. I don't know, it just scares me. If you have or get lung cancer it's just about all she wrote isn't it? I don't even want to know, being told that I could never over come. Then lately I've been getting a lot of SOB just from anxiety. Just a lot going on in my life right now all at once it seems. Dental work done and there's problems, my daughter moving and she's 7 months pregnant. Maybe it's all in my head, there's probably an explanation for everything and like my wife says: you are just a worry wart. I can't just sit around as if nothing wrong. Oh well, we all have bad days and I'm just having a bunch of them in a row. Things will get better, I have to be positive. Just wanted to get this off my chest and put it in here looking for whoever wants to say something good or bad. Thanks people