Mother has COPD. She had another exacerbation, in two weeks. She is on 24/7 oxygen and nursing services at home. She is having weakness with walking, and very tired. She feels too tired to do PT. What can she take to help the fatigue, and get her doing exercise? She was in hospital 2-3 weeks ago and had exacerbation, redness in legs feet hands and swelling in feet ankles, phlegm was yellow green brown. They have her steroids, antibiotic. The swelling in legs feet went away, but came back again, in one leg now.)What is causing the swelling to come back? She's in hospital again, with another exacerbation. One doctor said she could have touch of bronchitis, but they are not giving her antibiotic? They claim if it's not bacterial they won't give it? ) should she go back on antibiotic to help with exacerbation and congestion, swelling in leg?